Job Outlooks and Cedarville Programs

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) captures data on starting salaries and employment outlooks for various job fields with different expectations for the starting degree. This document attempts to bring together data from BLS, IPEDS, and OEWS to give programmatic insights to academic offerings in light of their career implications.

Data Sources


nan (nan): nan



Example associated job titles


O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates nan thousand with 10 year estimate at nan thousand, which is a nan% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $nan

Typical entry-level education: nan

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) 1.0 (1.0) 0.0
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) 3.0 (1.0) 0.0
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 95 (4) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0201 (11-9041): Architecture (BArch, BA/BS, MArch, MA/MS, PhD)


A program that prepares individuals for the independent professional practice of architecture and to conduct research in various aspects of the field. Includes instruction in architectural design, history, and theory; building structures and environmental systems; project and site planning; construction; professional responsibilities and standards; and related cultural, social, economic, and environmental issues.

Example associated job titles


O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 191.1 thousand with 10 year estimate at 195.5 thousand, which is a 2.3% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $152,350

Typical entry-level education: Bachelor's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) 38.0 (2.0) 0.0
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) 265.0 (4.0) 0.0
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 3,700 (108) 1
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0201 (17-1011): Architecture (BArch, BA/BS, MArch, MA/MS, PhD)


A program that prepares individuals for the independent professional practice of architecture and to conduct research in various aspects of the field. Includes instruction in architectural design, history, and theory; building structures and environmental systems; project and site planning; construction; professional responsibilities and standards; and related cultural, social, economic, and environmental issues.

Example associated job titles

2022-11-21T08:27:39.141320 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.5.3,

O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 125.5 thousand with 10 year estimate at 128.9 thousand, which is a 2.7% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $80,180

Typical entry-level education: Bachelor's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) 38.0 (2.0) 0.0
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) 265.0 (4.0) 0.0
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 3,700 (108) 1
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0201 (25-1031): Architecture (BArch, BA/BS, MArch, MA/MS, PhD)


A program that prepares individuals for the independent professional practice of architecture and to conduct research in various aspects of the field. Includes instruction in architectural design, history, and theory; building structures and environmental systems; project and site planning; construction; professional responsibilities and standards; and related cultural, social, economic, and environmental issues.

Example associated job titles

2022-11-21T08:27:39.331534 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.5.3,

O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 7.8 thousand with 10 year estimate at 8.4 thousand, which is a 7.8% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $95,160

Typical entry-level education: Doctoral or professional degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) 38.0 (2.0) 0.0
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) 265.0 (4.0) 0.0
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 3,700 (108) 1
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0301 (11-9041): City/Urban, Community & Regional Planning


A program that prepares individuals to apply principles of planning, analysis, and architecture to the development and improvement of urban areas and surrounding regions, and to function as professional planners. Includes instruction in principles of architecture; master plan development; service, communications, and transportation systems design; community and commercial development; zoning; land use planning; applied economics; policy analysis; applicable laws and regulations; and professional responsibilities and managerial duties.

Example associated job titles


O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 191.1 thousand with 10 year estimate at 195.5 thousand, which is a 2.3% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $152,350

Typical entry-level education: Bachelor's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) 78.0 (3.0) 0.0
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 788 (48) 1
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0301 (25-1031): City/Urban, Community & Regional Planning


A program that prepares individuals to apply principles of planning, analysis, and architecture to the development and improvement of urban areas and surrounding regions, and to function as professional planners. Includes instruction in principles of architecture; master plan development; service, communications, and transportation systems design; community and commercial development; zoning; land use planning; applied economics; policy analysis; applicable laws and regulations; and professional responsibilities and managerial duties.

Example associated job titles

2022-11-21T08:27:39.685217 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.5.3,

O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 7.8 thousand with 10 year estimate at 8.4 thousand, which is a 7.8% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $95,160

Typical entry-level education: Doctoral or professional degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) 78.0 (3.0) 0.0
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 788 (48) 1
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0301 (19-3051): City/Urban, Community & Regional Planning


A program that prepares individuals to apply principles of planning, analysis, and architecture to the development and improvement of urban areas and surrounding regions, and to function as professional planners. Includes instruction in principles of architecture; master plan development; service, communications, and transportation systems design; community and commercial development; zoning; land use planning; applied economics; policy analysis; applicable laws and regulations; and professional responsibilities and managerial duties.

Example associated job titles

2022-11-21T08:27:39.879724 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.5.3,

O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 41.9 thousand with 10 year estimate at 43.5 thousand, which is a 3.8% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $78,500

Typical entry-level education: Master's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) 78.0 (3.0) 0.0
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 788 (48) 1
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0401 (11-9041): Environmental Design/Architecture


A program that prepares individuals to design public and private spaces, indoor and outdoor, for leisure, recreational, commercial, and living purposes, and for professional practice as environmental designers and architects. Includes instruction in the design and planning of public and private open spaces and their relationship to buildings and other aspects of the built environment; facilities management; related aspects of interior design and architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning; and professional responsibilities and standards.

Example associated job titles


O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 191.1 thousand with 10 year estimate at 195.5 thousand, which is a 2.3% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $152,350

Typical entry-level education: Bachelor's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) 39.0 (2.0) 0.0
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 615 (32) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0401 (17-1011): Environmental Design/Architecture


A program that prepares individuals to design public and private spaces, indoor and outdoor, for leisure, recreational, commercial, and living purposes, and for professional practice as environmental designers and architects. Includes instruction in the design and planning of public and private open spaces and their relationship to buildings and other aspects of the built environment; facilities management; related aspects of interior design and architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning; and professional responsibilities and standards.

Example associated job titles

2022-11-21T08:27:40.242357 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.5.3,

O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 125.5 thousand with 10 year estimate at 128.9 thousand, which is a 2.7% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $80,180

Typical entry-level education: Bachelor's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) 39.0 (2.0) 0.0
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 615 (32) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0401 (25-1031): Environmental Design/Architecture


A program that prepares individuals to design public and private spaces, indoor and outdoor, for leisure, recreational, commercial, and living purposes, and for professional practice as environmental designers and architects. Includes instruction in the design and planning of public and private open spaces and their relationship to buildings and other aspects of the built environment; facilities management; related aspects of interior design and architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning; and professional responsibilities and standards.

Example associated job titles

2022-11-21T08:27:40.437064 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.5.3,

O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 7.8 thousand with 10 year estimate at 8.4 thousand, which is a 7.8% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $95,160

Typical entry-level education: Doctoral or professional degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) 39.0 (2.0) 0.0
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 615 (32) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0401 (17-1012): Environmental Design/Architecture


A program that prepares individuals to design public and private spaces, indoor and outdoor, for leisure, recreational, commercial, and living purposes, and for professional practice as environmental designers and architects. Includes instruction in the design and planning of public and private open spaces and their relationship to buildings and other aspects of the built environment; facilities management; related aspects of interior design and architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning; and professional responsibilities and standards.

Example associated job titles

2022-11-21T08:27:40.625157 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.5.3,

O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 19.8 thousand with 10 year estimate at 19.7 thousand, which is a -0.1% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $67,950

Typical entry-level education: Bachelor's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) 39.0 (2.0) 0.0
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 615 (32) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

nan (nan): nan



Example associated job titles


O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates nan thousand with 10 year estimate at nan thousand, which is a nan% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $nan

Typical entry-level education: nan

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 1 (1) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0501 (11-9041): Interior Architecture


A program that prepares individuals to apply architectural principles in the design of structural interiors for living, recreational, and business purposes and to function as professional interior architects. Includes instruction in architecture, structural systems design, heating and cooling systems, occupational and safety standards, interior design, specific end-use applications, and professional responsibilities and standards.

Example associated job titles


O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 191.1 thousand with 10 year estimate at 195.5 thousand, which is a 2.3% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $152,350

Typical entry-level education: Bachelor's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) 45.0 (2.0) 0.0
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 545 (41) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0501 (25-1031): Interior Architecture


A program that prepares individuals to apply architectural principles in the design of structural interiors for living, recreational, and business purposes and to function as professional interior architects. Includes instruction in architecture, structural systems design, heating and cooling systems, occupational and safety standards, interior design, specific end-use applications, and professional responsibilities and standards.

Example associated job titles

2022-11-21T08:27:41.153848 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.5.3,

O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 7.8 thousand with 10 year estimate at 8.4 thousand, which is a 7.8% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $95,160

Typical entry-level education: Doctoral or professional degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) 45.0 (2.0) 0.0
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 545 (41) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0501 (27-1025): Interior Architecture


A program that prepares individuals to apply architectural principles in the design of structural interiors for living, recreational, and business purposes and to function as professional interior architects. Includes instruction in architecture, structural systems design, heating and cooling systems, occupational and safety standards, interior design, specific end-use applications, and professional responsibilities and standards.

Example associated job titles

2022-11-21T08:27:41.345977 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.5.3,

O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 93.3 thousand with 10 year estimate at 94.2 thousand, which is a 0.9% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $60,340

Typical entry-level education: Bachelor's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) 45.0 (2.0) 0.0
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 545 (41) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0601 (11-9041): Landscape Architecture (BS, BSLA, BLA, MSLA, MLA, PhD)


A program that prepares individuals for the independent professional practice of landscape architecture and research in various aspects of the field. Includes instruction in geology and hydrology; soils, groundcovers, and horticultural elements; project and site planning; landscape design, history, and theory; environmental design; applicable law and regulations; and professional responsibilities and standards.

Example associated job titles


O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 191.1 thousand with 10 year estimate at 195.5 thousand, which is a 2.3% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $152,350

Typical entry-level education: Bachelor's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) 0.0 (1.0) 0.0
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 601 (51) 1
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0601 (25-1031): Landscape Architecture (BS, BSLA, BLA, MSLA, MLA, PhD)


A program that prepares individuals for the independent professional practice of landscape architecture and research in various aspects of the field. Includes instruction in geology and hydrology; soils, groundcovers, and horticultural elements; project and site planning; landscape design, history, and theory; environmental design; applicable law and regulations; and professional responsibilities and standards.

Example associated job titles

2022-11-21T08:27:41.725516 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.5.3,

O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 7.8 thousand with 10 year estimate at 8.4 thousand, which is a 7.8% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $95,160

Typical entry-level education: Doctoral or professional degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) 0.0 (1.0) 0.0
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 601 (51) 1
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0601 (17-1012): Landscape Architecture (BS, BSLA, BLA, MSLA, MLA, PhD)


A program that prepares individuals for the independent professional practice of landscape architecture and research in various aspects of the field. Includes instruction in geology and hydrology; soils, groundcovers, and horticultural elements; project and site planning; landscape design, history, and theory; environmental design; applicable law and regulations; and professional responsibilities and standards.

Example associated job titles

2022-11-21T08:27:42.002546 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.5.3,

O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 19.8 thousand with 10 year estimate at 19.7 thousand, which is a -0.1% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $67,950

Typical entry-level education: Bachelor's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) 0.0 (1.0) 0.0
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 601 (51) 1
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0801 (17-1011): Architectural History & Criticism (New)


A general program that focuses on the aesthetic, technical, and social development of the built environment and the architectural profession from earliest times to the present. Includes instruction in the principles of architecture and related fields; art history; historiography of architecture; architectural theory and criticism; related aspects of the history of technology and social and economic history; and various period, cultural, and stylistic specializations.

Example associated job titles

2022-11-21T08:27:42.200707 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.5.3,

O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 125.5 thousand with 10 year estimate at 128.9 thousand, which is a 2.7% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $80,180

Typical entry-level education: Bachelor's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 90 (16) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0801 (19-3093): Architectural History & Criticism (New)


A general program that focuses on the aesthetic, technical, and social development of the built environment and the architectural profession from earliest times to the present. Includes instruction in the principles of architecture and related fields; art history; historiography of architecture; architectural theory and criticism; related aspects of the history of technology and social and economic history; and various period, cultural, and stylistic specializations.

Example associated job titles

2022-11-21T08:27:42.394094 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.5.3,

O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 3.3 thousand with 10 year estimate at 3.4 thousand, which is a 4.5% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $63,940

Typical entry-level education: Master's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 90 (16) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

nan (nan): nan



Example associated job titles


O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates nan thousand with 10 year estimate at nan thousand, which is a nan% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $nan

Typical entry-level education: nan

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 4 (4) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0901 (17-3011): Architectural Technology/Technician (New)


A program that prepares individuals to assist architects in developing plans and related documentation and in performing architectural office services. Includes instruction in architectural drafting, computer-assisted drafting and design, construction methods and materials, environmental systems, building codes and standards, structural principles, cost estimation, planning documentation, visual communication skills, display production, and architectural office management.

Example associated job titles


O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 105.4 thousand with 10 year estimate at 104.1 thousand, which is a -1.2% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $60,340

Typical entry-level education: Associate's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 131 (9) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0901 (17-3011): Architectural Technology/Technician (New)


A program that prepares individuals to assist architects in developing plans and related documentation and in performing architectural office services. Includes instruction in architectural drafting, computer-assisted drafting and design, construction methods and materials, environmental systems, building codes and standards, structural principles, cost estimation, planning documentation, visual communication skills, display production, and architectural office management.

Example associated job titles


O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 105.4 thousand with 10 year estimate at 104.1 thousand, which is a -1.2% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $60,340

Typical entry-level education: Associate's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 131 (9) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0901 (17-3011): Architectural Technology/Technician (New)


A program that prepares individuals to assist architects in developing plans and related documentation and in performing architectural office services. Includes instruction in architectural drafting, computer-assisted drafting and design, construction methods and materials, environmental systems, building codes and standards, structural principles, cost estimation, planning documentation, visual communication skills, display production, and architectural office management.

Example associated job titles


O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 105.4 thousand with 10 year estimate at 104.1 thousand, which is a -1.2% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $60,340

Typical entry-level education: Associate's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 131 (9) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0901 (17-3011): Architectural Technology/Technician (New)


A program that prepares individuals to assist architects in developing plans and related documentation and in performing architectural office services. Includes instruction in architectural drafting, computer-assisted drafting and design, construction methods and materials, environmental systems, building codes and standards, structural principles, cost estimation, planning documentation, visual communication skills, display production, and architectural office management.

Example associated job titles


O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 105.4 thousand with 10 year estimate at 104.1 thousand, which is a -1.2% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $60,340

Typical entry-level education: Associate's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 131 (9) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0901 (17-3011): Architectural Technology/Technician (New)


A program that prepares individuals to assist architects in developing plans and related documentation and in performing architectural office services. Includes instruction in architectural drafting, computer-assisted drafting and design, construction methods and materials, environmental systems, building codes and standards, structural principles, cost estimation, planning documentation, visual communication skills, display production, and architectural office management.

Example associated job titles


O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 105.4 thousand with 10 year estimate at 104.1 thousand, which is a -1.2% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $60,340

Typical entry-level education: Associate's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 131 (9) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0901 (17-3011): Architectural Technology/Technician (New)


A program that prepares individuals to assist architects in developing plans and related documentation and in performing architectural office services. Includes instruction in architectural drafting, computer-assisted drafting and design, construction methods and materials, environmental systems, building codes and standards, structural principles, cost estimation, planning documentation, visual communication skills, display production, and architectural office management.

Example associated job titles


O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 105.4 thousand with 10 year estimate at 104.1 thousand, which is a -1.2% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $60,340

Typical entry-level education: Associate's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 131 (9) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0901 (17-3011): Architectural Technology/Technician (New)


A program that prepares individuals to assist architects in developing plans and related documentation and in performing architectural office services. Includes instruction in architectural drafting, computer-assisted drafting and design, construction methods and materials, environmental systems, building codes and standards, structural principles, cost estimation, planning documentation, visual communication skills, display production, and architectural office management.

Example associated job titles


O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 105.4 thousand with 10 year estimate at 104.1 thousand, which is a -1.2% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $60,340

Typical entry-level education: Associate's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 131 (9) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0901 (17-3011): Architectural Technology/Technician (New)


A program that prepares individuals to assist architects in developing plans and related documentation and in performing architectural office services. Includes instruction in architectural drafting, computer-assisted drafting and design, construction methods and materials, environmental systems, building codes and standards, structural principles, cost estimation, planning documentation, visual communication skills, display production, and architectural office management.

Example associated job titles


O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 105.4 thousand with 10 year estimate at 104.1 thousand, which is a -1.2% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $60,340

Typical entry-level education: Associate's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 131 (9) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.0901 (17-3011): Architectural Technology/Technician (New)


A program that prepares individuals to assist architects in developing plans and related documentation and in performing architectural office services. Includes instruction in architectural drafting, computer-assisted drafting and design, construction methods and materials, environmental systems, building codes and standards, structural principles, cost estimation, planning documentation, visual communication skills, display production, and architectural office management.

Example associated job titles


O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 105.4 thousand with 10 year estimate at 104.1 thousand, which is a -1.2% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $60,340

Typical entry-level education: Associate's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 131 (9) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

nan (nan): nan



Example associated job titles


O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates nan thousand with 10 year estimate at nan thousand, which is a nan% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $nan

Typical entry-level education: nan

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) 39.0 (1.0) 0.0
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 2,578 (54) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

nan (nan): nan



Example associated job titles


O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates nan thousand with 10 year estimate at nan thousand, which is a nan% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $nan

Typical entry-level education: nan

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 10 (1) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

nan (nan): nan



Example associated job titles


O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates nan thousand with 10 year estimate at nan thousand, which is a nan% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $nan

Typical entry-level education: nan

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 174 (3) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average

4.9999 (17-1011): Architecture & Related Programs, Other


Any instructional program in architecture and related programs not listed above.

Example associated job titles

2022-11-21T08:27:44.860397 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.5.3,

O*NET Info

No programs offered at Cedarville University

OEW profile

In 2021 BLS estimates 125.5 thousand with 10 year estimate at 128.9 thousand, which is a 2.7% change.

BLS Median Annual Wage (2021): $80,180

Typical entry-level education: Bachelor's degree

Bachelor Degree Award and Distance Education Information

School/Grouping Bachelor's Awards (2021) Trend Bachelor's Programs
Partially Offered Remotely
Bachelor's Programs
Fully Offered Remotely
Largest Programs
(2021 Bachelor's Awards)
Cedarville nan nan nan
Liberty nan nan nan
University of Dayton nan nan nan
CCCU Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
ABHE Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
Ohio Total (Institutions) nan (nan) nan
IPEDS Total (Institutions) 122 (15) 0
BLS Occupational Openings,
2021-2031 Annual Average