Juvenile Corrections. Programs

Department of Ed Definition

A program that prepares individuals to specialize in the provision of correction services to underage minor populations. Includes instruction in corrections, juvenile delinquency, juvenile development and psychology, juvenile law and justice administration, social services, record-keeping procedures, and communication skills.

School State Control CCCU Member ABHE Member Total Bachelor's Degrees Total Bachelor's Programs Bachelor's Programs Partially Online Bachelor's Programs Fully Online
Prairie View A & M University TX Public No No 15 1 0 0
Indiana Institute of Technology-College of Professional Studies IN Private Non-Profit No No 0 1 1 0
Oakland University MI Public No No 2 1 0 0
William Woods University MO Private Non-Profit No No 0 1 0 0
School State Control CCCU Member ABHE Member Total Bachelor's Degrees Total Bachelor's Programs Bachelor's Programs Partially Online Bachelor's Programs Fully Online