Apparel and Accessories Marketing Operations. Programs

Department of Ed Definition

A program that prepares individuals to perform operations connected with the distribution and sale of apparel and accessories. Includes instruction in wholesaling and retailing, apparel technologies, distribution, customer sales and service skills, and principles of consumer research and sales forecasting.

School State Control CCCU Member ABHE Member Total Bachelor's Degrees Total Bachelor's Programs Bachelor's Programs Partially Online Bachelor's Programs Fully Online
Woodbury University CA Private Non-Profit No No 10 1 0 0
University of Central Oklahoma OK Public No No 0 1 0 0
University of Maryland-College Park MD Public No No 0 1 0 0
University of Rhode Island RI Public No No 8 1 0 0
School State Control CCCU Member ABHE Member Total Bachelor's Degrees Total Bachelor's Programs Bachelor's Programs Partially Online Bachelor's Programs Fully Online